Care recipients cr may struggle with eating issues

Try: Some of the following strategies to help the cr materials try have a good dental check-up of gums teeth and dentures sometimes children’s dentists especially those who specialize in working with children with disabilities are good at working with agitated individuals ask whether your dentist or hygienist will make housecalls have vision or glasses checked have a good medical work-up to discover any possible physical causes or medication problems contributing to appetite change have an evaluation for depression done if appetite loss becomes a problem try soft relaxing music during meal provide appetizing odors of fresh food cooking in nursing homes reduce other odors such as cleaning fluids or urine in dining area improve lighting in eating area but avoid glares reduce noise and distractions in dining area during meals make sure meals are offered at regular consistent times everyday try to make mealtimes simple relaxed and calm be sure to allow enough time for the meal feeding a very impaired person can take 45 minutes to an hour be sure the person is in a comfortable upright position for eating in later stages it may be necessary to use a wheelchair geriatric chair or cardiac chair with special supports and or restraints

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Eating

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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