Try: Talk to the cr to see if he or she feels that basic needs are being met find out if there are times during the day when the cr is still hungry explain and show where to get snacks if the cr gets hungry during times when meals are not being served direct the cr to a specific drawer or cupboard in the kitchen or sealed tupperware container that you monitor keep this location stocked with appropriate unexpired foods for the cr’s dietary and medical needs providing a variety of choices and special items throughout the year will make this more exciting and interesting for the cr bring snacks to the cr periodically throughout the day or remind the cr to visit the snack drawer so that he or she does not get over-hungry properly clean kitchen and dining areas and store food so it is not accessible to the cr consider using locks on cupboard doors and the refrigerator if needed regularly check known hiding spots and remove expired or unsafe food items reassure the cr that you will continue to provide food and the other things that are needed be patient with the cr and understand that it may take some time before you are trusted and he or she feels safe and secure that needs will be met
Materials: Healthy snacks in sealed dated packages for example granola bars crackers nuts cereal individual servings of milk juice or sports drinks locking devices for cupboard doors or refrigerators optional
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Personal, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Hiding food snacking sneaking food
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed