Care recipient (cr) gets upset and acts out when at the emergency room er

Try: Take a list of medicines insurance cards the health care provider provider’s name and phone number and advance directives advance directives are signed documents such as a living will that spell out a patient patient’s wishes for end-of-life care ask a friend or family member to go with the care giver cg or meet cg in the er he or she can stay with cr while someone else answer questions be ready to explain the symptoms and events leading up to the er visit this

Materials: List of medicines insurance cards health care provider provider’s name and phone number advance directives

Categories: Sage, Topic, Behavior Challenging, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Verbal Communication, So-So Verbal Comm, Poor Verbal Comm, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, Long-Term Memory, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory

Information: May have to be repeated more than once to different staff members tell er staff that cr has cognitive problems explain how best to talk with cr if cr must stay overnight in the hospital try to have a friend or family member stay with him her

References: caring for a person with alzheimer’s disease your easy-to-use guide from the national institute on aging by national institute on aging 2011 available at www nia nih gov

Keywords: Emergency room er odd behavior challenging behavior

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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