Care recipient (cr) appears to be compliant but represses withholds and covers up deeply felt anger and aggressive feelings that cannot be more directly expressed the repressed anger comes out later on in an unhealthy way information unexpressed or suppressed anger can lead to passive-aggressive behavior such as getting back at people without telling them why being critical and hostile being resentful in random situations lashing out at the caregiver (cg) when it is not warranted or for unknown reasons unexpressed or suppressed anger can lead to physical ailments such as hypertension and depression the cr may feel that he or she is not being understood or not being sympathized with

Try: Allow the cr to vent any repressed anger to get it out into the open where it will be easier to deal with sharing or validating the cr’s anger will sometimes be all it takes to ease the difficult behavior once a specific situation is identified try to find a workable solution for example if the cr is frustrated because of an inability to dress independently allow him or her to select the clothing choices if preparing a meal is no longer an option ask the cr to help choose the menu and assist with setting the table try to always use positive words and maintain a positive tone when dealing with passive aggressive behavior this may diffuse the anger before it becomes unmanageable passive aggressiveness is a unhealthy response the cr has to a specific situation or person if this response is directed at you it helps if you do not take it personally

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Compulsive behavior

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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