Try: Try to react to the situation in a calm manner if the cr is undressing in public try taking cr somewhere private and check whether he or she is too hot or is uncomfortable or wants to use the toilet if the cr is stroking or exposing genitals in public or engaged in other inappropriate sexual behavior try to discourage cr tactfully and try to distract his her attention if the cr lifts skirt or fiddles with zipper fly try asking cr if he she needs to go to the bathroom if the cr behaves rudely for example by insulting people or swearing or spitting avoid attempting to argue or correct the behavior try to distract cr’s attention and explain to other people later that cr’s behavior is due to a mental illness or cognitive impairment and is not directed at them personally
Materials: n/a
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Social, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: unusual behaviourby janet keane 2010 available at www alzheimers org uk
Keywords: Inappropriate lifts skirt embarrassing embarrases public behavior sexual rude rudeness insults insulting strokes genitiles exposes genitiles undresses undress
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed