Some care recipients crs have a hard time scooting to the edge of the chair or leaning forward before getting up

Try: #the caregiver spread the sheet over the chair fully covering the chair back and seat bottom on a sofa the sheet is spread over the back and cushion closest to one of the arms #the cr sits directly on the sheet #when the cr is ready to get up from the chair the caregiver pulls forward on both sides of the sheet near the cr’s shoulders to guide the cr into leaning forward #the cr puts both hands on the arms of the chair or one hand on arm of sofa and the other hand on seat of sofa and pushes up with their hands sliding their hips to the edge of the seat as they are able #while they are doing this the caregiver grasps both sides of the sheet beside the cr’s thighs and pulls forward on the sheet to guide the cr’s hips to the edge of the seat

Materials: Chair or sofa with sturdy arms twin flat sheet new or 300-plus thread count able-bodied caregiver

Categories: Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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