Try: Keep grooming items in the same place between uses teach families and visitors not to casually move or reorganize items teach families and visitors to ask each time before aiding in grooming after picking up a brush or comb run fingers lightly down the handle to the head to speed recognition and orientation buy toothpaste with a distinctive flavor or scent and smell it before putting paste on a toothbrush sniff the paste to distinguish it from similar tubes of medication or lotion use bright solid-colored shelf lining paper for drawers and shelves if the paper contrasts with the contents items may be easier to see keep sharp or pointed grooming objects such as tweezers or makeup pencils stored flatly to prevent injury
Materials: Comb or brush toothbrush toothpaste shelf and drawer liners in bright solid colors
Categories: Personal, So-So Vision, Poor Vision, Good Smelling, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed