Try: Maintain a regular bedtime and lead up to bedtime with a regular routine such as bathing brushing teeth favorite snack etc caregiver (cg) should yawn stretch and mention how sleepy they are cg should act as if the cr is doing them a favor by going to bed so they cg can get some much needed rest turn off lights together in preparation for going to bed eliminate loud television programs before bedtime play soft and soothing music if cr sleeps better in a recliner or on the couch let them work in some exercise during the day to promote sleep at night don’t discourage a small nap during the day better to get some sleep than n/a if getting into pajamas presents a problem or is confusing use sweatsuits that can go from day to night use
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Categories: Personal
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Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed