Try: Discuss the importance of good hand washing to the cr and how it may limit the spread of germs and sickness suggest that the cr wash hands before during and after preparing food before eating after using the toilet after blowing nose coughing or sneezing after touching garbage after touching objects such as door handles and grocery carts in public places note the above examples are not an all inclusive list there are many other situations where good judgment would call for hand washing wash your hands along with the cr to encourage good hand washing technique use the following steps wet hands with clean running water apply soap and work into a full lather keep scrubbing to the count of 20 rinse your hands under running water to get the soap off dry with a clean towel
Materials: Water soap it is not necessary to buy the antibacterial kind clean towel
Categories: Personal
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from www eatright org www health harvard edu and www cdc gov
Keywords: Disease control infection control personal hygiene
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed