Try: Tub benches with commode cut-outs allow cr to wash the entire body while seated a reversible seat part accommodates a right or left-sided water supply suction feet secure the bench legs inside the tub and rubber-tips prevent slippage of the outside legs a slot between the commode seat and the transfer surface allows insertion of a strip of shower liner to keep water from spraying the bathroom floor the higher the bench the easier it is generally for the cr to raise his or her legs over the side of the tub for safety’s sake adjust the tub bench so the cr’s feet rest normally on the floor of the tub when the cr sits on the commode cut-out for independence while bathing the cr should be able to reach the water controls when seated hang up the new shower liner put the bench into the tub pull the curtain liner across the length of the tub and make two slits up from the bottom of the liner to create a strip that fits between the front and back bars of the tub bench keeping water inside the tub the cr can use a long-handled brush sponge or puff to wash back lower legs and feet without bending a hand-held showerhead makes it possible to control water flow and pressure unscrew the fixed showerhead and replace it with a hand-held unit installation doesn’t require special tools although if the fixed showerhead is extremely tight or corroded pliers may helpful tub benches and showerheads can be found in many pharmacies tub benches with specific features or weight-bearing capacities may be found in medical supply stores
Materials: Tub bench with commode cut-out hand-held showerhead attachment plastic shower liner long-handled bath sponge brush puff scissors pliers
Categories: Medical Physical, Personal
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed