Try: #pillows and foam pads can be used to help a cr stay in position while lying on either the right or left side #while the cr is lying on one side use a pillow to support the head to stay neutral alignment in relation to the body so the neck is not bent sideways #while the cr is lying on one side place a pillow in the front or back or both of the cr to hold him or her in place #while the cr is lying on one side place a pillow under the top arm to relieve stress on the shoulder #while the cr is lying on one side make sure that the knees are bent a little and place a pillow between them to keep them from rubbing together #while the cr is lying on his or her back use the pillows under the calves to keep the heels from resting directly on the bed #bed sheets can leave abrasions on very delicate skin over the heel and elbow heel and elbow protectors will help prevent skin breakdown caused when crs use their heels or elbows to help reposition themselves a common occurrence #weight distribution pads are devices filled with air or water that adjust to distribute a cr’s weight evenly pads with air or gel filling that fit wheelchair seats are also made locate these items through medical supply catalogs and stores #make a schedule for changing the cr’s position the schedule should be designed to help the caregiver remember when to reposition the cr and what position to put the cr in for example if the cr sits in a wheelchair part of the day and lies in bed most of the day the schedule might note that the caregiver reminds the cr to rise or shift positions once an hour while in the chair but the caregiver repositions the cr once every hour and a half when the cr has returned to bed and to give each area of the cr’s skin the best break possible from pressure caused by weight the caregiver will want to make a regular repositioning routine for example right side then back then left side then right side then back and then left side this gives each area a four hour pressure break
Materials: Foam pads 4 extra pillows special weight distribution mattress pads heel and elbow protectors schedule for changing position
Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility, Immobile, Independence, Maximum Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed