Try: Picking the right monitor is a little like choosing a car, you have to think of the features that matter most to you and there are lots of features to choose from are you looking for the fastest monitor there are some that complete the check in 5 seconds other monitors have larger screens that are easier to see if your vision is not good some use strips that are easier to handle if you have arthritis or nerve damage looking to get organized there are monitors that have lots of data management capabilities which can help you track your results more precisely and communicate these results to your health care provider there are monitors that use very small drops of blood and others that let you test on your hand arm or leg as well as your finger so you see there are lots of options to choose the monitor that that’s best for you talk to a diabetes educator; he or she will probably be up to date on all the latest models and have some available for you to see information references "101 tips for staying healthy 2nd edition" by schade d s and associates 1999 university of new mexico american diabetes association www diabetes org
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Insulin insulin pump blood glucose
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed