Try: Many of the medications used to treat parkinson’s disease and restless legs syndrome rls in care recipient’s cr although different medical conditions the symptoms do respond to similar medications dopaminergic agents drugs that increase dopamine largely used to treat parkinson parkinson’s disease have been shown to reduce symptoms of rls two medications have been have been approved by the us food and drug administration fda for the treatment of restless legs syndrome pramipexole mirapex and ropinirole requip these medications originally used to treat parkinson’s disease reduce the amount of motion in your legs by boosting your dopamine levels or mimicking its effect in the brain other parkinson’s drugs that are sometimes used to treat restless legs syndrome rls include sinemet carbidopa levodopa cabergoline and pergolide side effects of parkinson parkinson’s medications for restless legs syndrome include nausea lightheadedness fatigue and an increased risk of heart disease information references helpguide org
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Categories: Medical Physical
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References: n/a
Keywords: Restless legs sleep parkinson parkinson’s
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed