Longtime wheelchair user can stand but has difficulty getting into a completely upright position

Try: #a Care recipient (cr) who wants to improve his or her ability to stand upright may be helped by building up the ability to lie on his or her stomach for 10 to 20 minutes a day #place pillows under or around the cr’s abdomen for comfort if needed make sure the cr can breathe comfortably #the caregiver should stay with the cr while the cr is lying on his or her stomach to make sure breathing continues comfortably and to assist the cr to roll over or rise when the cr is ready #the caregiver helping with this task should have the ability to shift the cr with or without the cr’s help as may be required if the cr encounters trouble #place a top sheet longwise across the bed beneath the cr if the cr needs to be turned the caregiver can pull one side of the sheet against the cr and tugging on one of the cr’s shoulders use the sheet to help pull the cr over so he or she is no longer lying face down

Materials: Bed with firm mattress pillows as needed for comfort extra top sheet caregiver to monitor and assist

Categories: Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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