Try: Lift chairs are chairs designed to help a person to gently move from sitting reclining or standing position with the push of a button on a convenient hand control lift chairs are particularly helpful for the elderly those that suffer from motor diseases or from those that have been injured and require temporary assistance lift chairs are empowering to the user as they give them the freedom to move around as they like while improving safety and reducing strain as well as the chance for a possible injury lift chairs come in a wide variety of styles and colors as well as fabric choices some are available in leather as well they are also frequently referred to as chair lifts or seat lifts most lift chairs operate via a simple hand control that allows the user to determine the amount of lift and slowly and safely return the chair to a standing or sitting position information references "lift chair help" 2008 by sherman oaks medical supplies available at www shermanoaksmedical com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Lift chair weak knees weak leg muscles trouble getting out of chair
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed