If the Care recipient (cr) is diagnosed with restless leg syndrome rls there are some things the cr can personally do to

Try: And help the symptoms in fact minor cases of rls can often be treated with lifestyle changes alone the following habits can help reduce the frequency and severity of the rls symptoms materials try have the cr on a regular sleep schedule fatigue can worsen the symptoms of rls so doing what it takes to get enough sleep is crucial try getting to sleep at the same time every night allowing plenty of time for winding down exercise in moderation daily activity including moderate aerobic exercise and lower-body resistance training can significantly reduce the symptoms of rls only encourage the cr to do this if appropriate cut back on caffeine caffeine often makes the symptoms of rls worse don’t give the cr coffee tea or soda if possible avoid alcohol and cigarettes many people with rls find that their symptoms improve when they stop drinking and smoking help the cr lose weight if the cr is overweight dropping the extra pounds can often relieve or lessen the symptoms of rls practice relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation stress can make rls symptoms worse daily stretching and meditation can promote relaxation and alleviate symptoms in the cr

Materials: n/a

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: Helpguide org

Keywords: Sleep problems restless legs

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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