Good nutrition is important to healthy aging as the Care recipient (cr) ages caloric needs will change that’s why it’s so important for the cr…

Try: Good nutrition is important to healthy aging as the Care recipient (cr) ages caloric needs will change that’s why it’s so important for the cr to talk to a doctor about nutrition here are some important issues to discuss how do i know if i’m getting all the nutrition i need surprisingly even many crs who are overweight fall short on vitamins minerals and other nutrients sure they get plenty of calories but those calories may have little nutritional value unfortunately chronic nutrient deficiencies may occur before any symptoms show up early signs of vitamin or mineral deficiencies may include unusual fatigue brittle hair or loss of hair skin rashes or sores that don’t heal cracks at the corners of the mouth and a pale tongue do any of the medications i use affect my appetite or how food tastes a range of medications including many commonly used by crs can interfere with good nutrition some pain relievers and arthritis medications irritate the stomach for example certain antibiotics stool softeners and chemotherapy drugs can make food taste bland or bitter do any of the medications i’m taking get in the way of absorbing nutrients i need a variety of prescription drugs can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb vitamins minerals and other nutrients i’m not very hungry when i know it’s time to eat is that normal for someone my age there are many reasons why crs often don’t have a powerful appetite because crs are usually less active than younger people their bodies require fewer calories should i consider taking a multivitamin experts still disagree about whether older crs should be routinely counseled to take a multivitamin most nutritionists agree that the best way to get your nutrients is from food not pills but multivitamins can be a good supplement if the cr has trouble eating information references adapted from www webmd com

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Categories: Medical Physical

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Keywords: Loss of appetite eating nutrition

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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