Try: Exercise no matter what level is important for health and fitness exercise can benefit the Care recipient (cr) if done in moderation and care the following are common myths and misconceptions about exercise at older ages myth an old cr can’t get any benefits out of exercise fact exercise and strength training helps you look and feel younger and stay active longer regular physical activity lowers your risk for a variety of conditions including alzheimer’s and dementia heart disease diabetes colon cancer high blood pressure and obesity myth it is better for the cr to save energy and rest fact a sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy for the cr inactivity often causes seniors to lose the ability to do things on their own and can lead to more hospitalizations doctor visits and use of medicines for illnesses myth exercise puts the cr at risk fact regular exercise by building strength and stamina prevents loss of bone mass and improves balance can actually reduce the risk of injury myth 4 it is too late for the cr to start exercising fact for most people it is never too late if the cr has never exercised before or it’s been a while start with light walking and other gentle activities myth the cr can’t exercise because he is disabled fact chair-bound cr’s face special challenges but can lift light weights stretch and do chair aerobics to increase range of motion improve muscle tone and promote cardiovascular health information references
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Categories: Medical Physical
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References: n/a
Keywords: Exercise work out
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed