Try: Exercise for the Care recipient (cr) can have many benefits a balanced exercise regimen has four basic parts cardio exercise cardio workouts get the heart pumping and make the body sweat cardio helps lessen fatigue and shortness of breath cardio includes walking stair climbing swimming hiking cycling rowing tennis and dancing strength training builds up muscle with repetitive motion using weight or external resistance from body weight machines or elastic bands strength training helps the cr prevent loss of bone mass builds muscle and improves balance building up strength will help the cr stay independent and make day-to-day activities easier flexibility exercises can be done through static stretches stationary and ballistic stretches moving or bouncing to keep muscles and joints healthy exercises for flexibility help the cr stay limber and increases range of movement for ordinary physical activities balance improving balance helps maintain standing and stability under a variety of conditions including static stationary and dynamic moving balance these exercises improve balance posture and quality of walking also can reduce the cr’s risk of falling and fear of falls information references
Materials: n/a
Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Exercise work out
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed