Try: Emergencies and disasters can strike quickly and without warning here are some steps you can take to protect yourself and cope with disaster by planning ahead three steps to preparedness get a kit have a disaster supplies kit packed and ready in one place assemble enough supplies to last for at least three days store the supplies in one or more containers such as a backpack or duffle bag with an id tag it may be easier if the container had wheels label any equipment such as wheelchairs canes or walkers that you would need with your name address and phone number keep your kit up-to-date review the contents every six months or as your needs change check expiration dates and replace perishable items some things your kit should include are water – one gallon per person per day 3-day supply for evacuation and 2-week supply for home food – try to include foods that do not need cooking canned dried etc 3-day supply for evacuation and 2-week supply for home flashlight with extra batteries and bulbs battery-operated or hand-crank radio and flashlight first aid kit and manual medications 7-day supply and medical items multi-purpose tool several tools that fold up into a pocket-sized unit much like a large pocket knife or a small tool kit that comes in a zippered vinyl case sanitation and personal hygiene items toilet paper plastic garbage bags copies of personal documents medication list and medical information deed lease to home birth certificates insurance policies in a waterproof carrier cell phone with an extra battery and charger family and friends’ emergency contact information cash and coins in a waterproof carrier emergency blanket maps of the local area whistle to attract the attention of emergency personnel one change of clothing manual can opener pet supplies if a pet is involved including food and vaccination records extra set of car and house keys pack of cards to pass the time cold climate supplies jacket or coat long pants sturdy shoes hat gloves scarf sleeping bag or warm blanket warm climate supplies sunscreen lotion bug spray umbrella wide-brimmed hat vehicle supplies tire repair kit jumper cables flares granola bars shovel canned heat windshield scraper distress flag make a plan meet with family and friends and arrange for someone to check on you if a disaster strikes include caregivers in the meeting and planning efforts make sure any personal abilities and limitations that may affect your response to a disaster are taken into consideration and make sure the plan you develop fits those special needs carry family contact information in your wallet or purse choose an out-of-town contact person after a disaster it is often easier to make a long-distance call than a local call from a disaster area ask about emergency plans and procedures that exist in your community plan the best and quickest escape routes out of your home and out of your neighborhood decide on a meeting place outside your neighborhood in case you cannot return home know the safe places within your home in case you need to shelter during extreme weather events practice your escape drill every six months plan for transportation if you need to evacuate to a shelter post emergency phone numbers near your phone keep support items like wheelchairs and walkers in a designated place so they can be found quickly talk to your utility company about emergency procedures and know how and when to turn off water gas and electricity at the main switches or valves keep any tools you will need nearby test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms regularly talk to your insurance agent to make sure you have adequate insurance coverage for disasters keep copies of vital family records and other important documents in a safe location like a fire safe or safe-deposit box if you wear hearing aids store them in a bedside container that is attached to your nightstand using velcro some disasters may shift items that are not secured making them difficult to find quickly be informed make a list of what hazards threaten your community and how they might affect you think about both natural hurricanes flooding winter storms and earthquakes and human-caused hazardous materials and transportation accidents know how local authorities will warn you of a pending disaster and how they will provide information to you before during and after a disaster if you live in a senior community become familiar with any disaster notification plans that may already exist in some emergencies such as a chemical emergency you would need to know how to seal a room for safety on a temporary basis called "shelter in place " in the case of a winter storm you may be told to "stay at home " if you need to evacuate coordinate with your family and home care provider for evacuation procedures try to carpool if possible wear appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes take your disaster supplies kit lock your home use the specified travel routes – don’t take any short cuts let your out-of-town contact know when you left and where you are going be prepared to go to a shelter if your area is without power floodwater is rising your home has been severely damaged or police or other local officials tell you to evacuate immediately after a disaster if you are at home check for damage using a flashlight – do not light matches or candles or turn on electrical switches shut off any damaged utilities check on your neighbors call out-of town contacts stay away from downed power lines do not drive through flooded roads monitor local broadcasts for up-to-date information if electrical power is lost use a flashlight turn off or unplug all major appliances that could be damaged by the electrical surge when power is restored keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible if the disaster is a fire plan two escape routes out of each room choose a place to meet outside practice the fire escape every six months plan to use the stairs during a fire evacuation if you cannot use stairways make special arrangements for help in advance sleep with the bedroom door closed install smoke alarms inside and outside sleeping areas to give you warning of toxic fumes if your smoke alarm sounds never waste time to get dressed or collect valuables or pets get out of your home immediately do not try to fight the fire call for help from a neighbor’s phone and never go back into a burning building for any reason if you are in a wheelchair or cannot get out of your home stay by the window near the floor and signal for help if your clothes catch on fire drop to the floor and roll to suffocate the fire keep rolling running from the fire only "fans" the flames and makes it worse drop to the floor and crawl the cleanest air is near the floor information references adapted in part from disaster preparedness for seniors – american red cross
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Categories: Medical Physical
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*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed