Drowsiness is a condition that can affect care recipients cr drowsiness may accompany other symptoms which vary depending on the underlying disease disorder or condition…

Try: Drowsiness is a condition that can affect care recipients cr drowsiness may accompany other symptoms which vary depending on the underlying disease disorder or condition in some rare cases drowsiness may be a symptom of a life-threatening condition that should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting seek immediate medical care the cr has any of these life-threatening symptoms including the following are potential symptoms of drowsiness that indicate a life-threatening condition change in consciousness or alertness such as passing out or unresponsiveness change in mental status or sudden behavior change such as confusion delirium lethargy hallucinations or delusions convulsions or seizures inability to get warm constant coldness severe drowsiness severe headache stiff neck that is locked information references www localhealth com

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Categories: Medical Physical

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Keywords: Sleep drowsiness rest

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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