Try: Crutches both standard and forearm , the kind with the cuffs that encircle the lower portion of your arms , offer a great deal of support they are often used by people who have good coordination and upper-body strength a few things to consider are style select a pair that has comfortable grips and offers a lot of padding on top length crutches that are too long can press into your armpits causing pressure on the nerves the correct crutch length leaves you room to fit two or three fingers between your underarm and the top of the crutch raise or lower the handgrips so that they are at the same height as your hip line and your elbows are slightly bent use avoid placing your crutches too far ahead as you step or they could slip out from under you keep the tips about 6 inches out from your sides and keep your steps to about 12 inches don’t lean on the tops of the crutches when walking or standing you can use several different patterns of gait with your crutches a physical therapist can advise you on the one best suited for your needs information references "canes crutches and walkers choosing the right product" by sherman oaks medical supplies 2008 available at www shermanoaksmedical com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Canes walkers crutches medical supplies walking aids mobility problems
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed