Try: Visit assisted living facilities the best way to judge whether senior housing is the right choice is with a first-hand look find different facilities in your area and arrange visits to get a feel for their atmospheres and accommodations try to ease in with temporary living some assisted living facilities allow residents to move in on a temporary basis-a great opportunity for crs who are unsure of whether the change is right for them build a support network a great aspect of an assisted living community is the level of interaction it promotes amongst residents crs are able to visit each other other’s apartments attend facility-organized events such as dances and even create their own hobby clubs and groups try to visit one or more of these events while touring so that you or your loved one can meet residents who share similar interests discuss living facilities with others ask senior housing residents their opinions and what you should expect from assisted living communities personal property before you begin packing make time for sorting through personal effects while most items will likely stay with you your loved one or your family don’t be in a rush to throw away the rest keep connected with the cr though assisted living communities are often home to trained medical staff and round-the-clock support it it’s imperative that you stay aware of your senior senior’s living environment and habits call often and be open to cues that your crs needs a great level of care or assistance
Materials: n/a
Categories: Medical Physical, Social
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Assisted living
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed