Changes in ability can lead to difficulty getting safely in and out of tubs and showers

Try: #if a shower has sliding glass doors replace them with a shower curtain to allow room for the transfer bench #install the shower head they are sold in drug and home improvement stores #put the transfer bench in the tub across from the shower with two legs inside and two legs outside of the tub most of the bench should be inside the bathtub transfer benches are sold at a medical supply stores they should be checked for weight-bearing capacity before being purchased a doctor’s prescription may allow insurance to pay for part or all of a bench #the Care recipient (cr) sits on the bench and turns to lift one leg at a time over the tub after the first leg is in the cr slides over on the bench to make room for the second leg a caregiver helps lift the legs if necessary #when both legs are in the cr slides further over on the transfer bench to shower the hand-held shower head lets water be directed as needed #getting out of the tub the cr moves to the outer side of the bench and brings one leg at a time over the edge of the tub the cr then pivots so the trunk and legs are lined up for a safe standing or transfer to a wheelchair

Materials: Tub transfer bench shower head with a long hose shower curtain

Categories: Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, No Supervision, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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