Try: Avoid stimulating substances alcohol and caffeine interfere with sleep habits if the cr has trouble sleeping avoid alcohol and caffeine for four to six hours before bedtime smokers should also avoid tobacco another stimulant too close to bedtime watch what you eat at night indigestion from spicy and fatty food or having too much food on your stomach can cause insomnia for a better night night’s sleep eat light simple foods several hours before bed relax before bed stress and overstimulation can make it hard to fall asleep try to avoid intense television programs or movies before bed relax with a soothing warm bath and curl up with a book instead avoid worrying or fretting over things right before bed create a sleep-friendly environment whether you try sleep shades ear plugs a white-noise machine or all three there are plenty of tools available to help block out stimulation and bring on slumber temperature helps too — an even 60-75 degrees — is considered the most comfortable make sure the mattress is comfortable for the cr’s needs turn off all electronics including your television computer dvd player and stereo get up if you can’t sleep it is not uncommon to have nights when you can’t fall asleep or you wake up and can’t fall asleep avoid watching the clock which can create more anxiety if you’ve been awake more than 20 minutes get up go to another room and do something relaxing to help you get drowsy
Materials: n/a
Categories: Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: Webmd com
Keywords: Daylight savings sleep
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed