Try: Provide the cr with a flexible malleable material like playdoh or theraputty these materials are available at toy stores and teachers supply stores using the putty material as a hiding place for small objects like coins or toys is a good activity with crs make cutting with blunt scissors a favorite activity by providing colorful paper and paste encourage practice using the scissors to cut off corners cut curved lines and cut out simple objects and paste them onto a background encourage coloring and painting for the cr staying within the outlines of the pictures in a simple coloring book is good practice but working with finger paint is even better have the cr use finger paint to trace numbers and letters or shapes as well as create impressionistic art have the cr practice the skills required for clothing by dressing a doll provide garments with large buttons zippers ties hooks and eyes and other fasteners move on to improve the ease with which the cr dresses himself add some household chores like dusting or vacuuming to the curriculum of fine motor skill activities if possible
Materials: Playdoh coins paper clothes
Categories: Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: Ehow com
Keywords: Motor skills motor movements
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed