Caregivers can have care recipients cr do many simple exercises to improve fine motor skills the following are simple tasks to have the cr

Try: Materials try tying shoes zipping and unzipping buckling and unbuckling writing legibly and without significant muscle fatigue playing games that require precise hand and finger control drawing painting and coloring manipulating buttons and snaps putting small objects together doing puzzles making crafts using scissors manipulating small objects such as coins opening and closing objects picking up and holding onto small objects developing and maintaining an effective and proper pencil grip pinching objects between fingers using locks and keys turning things over or turning pages of a book holding and using utensils properly and effectively screwing and unscrewing

Materials: n/a

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: Www sensory-processing-disorder com

Keywords: Motor skills motor movements

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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