Try: Caregiver injury preventing caregiver injury is a driving force in the purchase use of patient lifts even highly skilled facility caregivers can injure themselves by overexertion and strain while the use of manual hydraulic lifts is a step in the direction of caregiver safety they still require caregiver exertion power-assisted patient lifts are the answer to preventing caregiver injury know the types of lifts available there are many types of lifts available the primary classes of lifts are ceiling – ceiling lifts run on tracks installed in the ceiling of your home facility they are the most versatile convenient and least obtrusive types of lifts within the ceiling lift class of lift there are installed lifts and portable lifts floor rolling – floor model lifts roll on casters and are designed to perform different functions slings whether you choose a ceiling or floor lift the patient will be lifted in a sling attached to the lift there are many different slings available for example track ceiling lifts travel from point to point or room to room on a track installed in your ceiling the track can be as short as a 6 foot piece of track over the bed and wheelchair area or as involved as track all over a home or facility this track can be straight or curved and can have a variety of accessories to help your patient get where they need to within your home or facility information references "patient lift help" 2008 by sherman oaks medical supplies available at www shermanoaksmedical com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Mobility transferring needs help getting up needs help sitting down lift toileting getting in car getting out of car falls fell fall prevention ceiling lifts floor lifts slings track ceiling lifts
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed