caregiver (cg) wants to know what to do when the Care recipient (cr) gets stung by an insect the cg also wants to know what can be done to prevent insect stings

Try: Find out if the cr is dangerously allergic to insect stings find out if the cr has a epinephrine autoinjector the autoinjector is a medical device used to deliver a measured dose or doses of epinephrine also know as adrenaline the autoinjector is most frequently used for the treatment of acute allergic reactions to insect bites food and so on in most countries epinephrine is a prescription drug and therefore obtaining the autoinjector requires a prescription from a doctor however in some jurisdictions autoinjectors are an over-the-counter drug and may be purchased from a pharmacy counter if the cr has an autoinjector you should learn how to use it and what the possible side effects are this will help prepare you for a posssible emergency with a dangerously allergic cr you should carry the autoinjector with you whenever you are with the cr if the cr is not dangerously allergic apply a baking soda paste to the affected area and provide an over-the-counter antihistamine

Materials: Epinephrine autoinjector if the cr has one antihistamine baking soda

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: Insect stings can be prevented by avoiding areas where insects have been seen encourage the cr to wear long pants hats and long shirts if he or she will be walking through such an area encourage the cr to avoid hair sprays colognes and scented cosmetics because they can attract stinging insects

References: n/a

Keywords: First aid insect stings bee stings allergies allergic reaction

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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