caregiver (cg) for a Care recipient (cr) with epilepsy needs to minimize the risks of sleeping and sudden seizure while it may seem that sleep will be safe for the cr there are many dangers including dangerous objects near the bed that cause injury prolonged seizures that need medical attention may go unnoticed vomit or other fluids may be inhaled if the person is not rolled onto one side a cr who has a seizure face down in bed may suffocate

Try: Encourage the cr to take all seizure medications exactly as prescribed this can reduce the chances of having a seizure while sleeping some crs have all or most of their seizures during the night ask the cr cr’s doctor if more of the medications should be taken in the evening remove sharp or potentially dangerous objects from near the bed if there is a danger of the cr falling out of bed suggest sleeping on a futon or other low bed have someone nearby if possible who will wake up in the event of a seizure and assist the cr or call for help you may want to consider using baby monitors so other people in the house will hear the cr if there is a seizure in the middle of the night

Materials: n/a

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: Adapted from www epilepsy com

Keywords: Epilepsy seizure sleeping

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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