Try: Encourage the cr to try swimming to help ease the arthritus pain participating in a water aerobics program is is great way for the cr to have fun and make new friends while exercising if there isn’t a developed water aerobics program locally the cr can simply walk laps in a shallow end of a swimming pool ask the cr to jog in waist-high or shoulder-high water the deeper the water is the less strain on the body if the cr is capable encourage him or her to swim laps the back stroke is the least challenging and should offer the least amount of resistance to arthritic joints
Materials: n/a
Categories: Medical Physical, Social
Information: Swimming is an excellent aerobic activity that keeps weight off of arthritic joints allowing the cr to keep in shape without the pain of traditional exercise
References: n/a
Keywords: Arthritis activities swimming pain
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed