Try: Ease the cr’s mind by reassuring him or her that healthy eating can be fun talk to the cr to find out what his or her favorite foods are discuss with the cr the possibility of using a simple healthy meal plan using the following healthy plate method vary your veggies – fill half the plate with colorful dark green orange red and yellow vegetables go lean with protein – fill .5 of the plate with leaner cuts of meat poultry or fish be sure to trim off any fat take charge of carbs – fill .5 of the plate with rice pasta or starchy vegetables drink low fat or skim milk add fruits for dessert show the cr how his or her favorite foods can be incorporated into the healthy plate if you or the cr has a computer available you may want to research additional
Materials: Plate favorite foods computer with an internet connection
Categories: Medical Physical, Personal
Information: From the diabetes association online you also may be able to get additional information locally from the diabetes association and other related organizations information
References: Adapted from www eatright org www myplate gov and www diabetes org
Keywords: Blood sugar imbalance glucose low carbohydrate diet healthy eating nutrition
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed