Try: Avoid alcohol as it can cause dehydration making water retention worse try taking a calcium supplement of 1200 mg a day increase calcium intake by drinking milk and eating yogurt and cheese or try 200 to 400 mg of magnesium however if cr suffers from heart or kidney conditions do not take a magnesium supplement try to include physical activity into cr’s schedule every day to help reduce water retention
Materials: Calcium supplement magnesium supplement
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical
Information: Social interaction is extremely important for an elderly cr when people share laughter it can help create a personal bond with others and remove any sense of personal isolation
References: water retention relieve this premenstrual symptom by gallenberg mm 2009 available at www mayoclinic com
Keywords: Weight gain water retention salt sodium diet food alcohol exercise
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed