Try: #serve several beverages with meals each drink in a small glass or cup for example at breakfast serve water juice milk and decaffeinated coffee at lunch serve water soda or tea and milk and at dinner serve soda or an alcohol substitute water warm tea or hot chocolate offer sugar-free versions of drinks if necessary #offer cr beverages every couple of hours throughout the day #keep favorite drinks the cr can easily help him or herself to in an accessible spot for example put a mini-fridge in the family room if having it there will make it more likely the cr will reach for a drink while watching tv or working on a project #offer water-rich fruits between meals as a snack a half-inch or one-inch piece of watermelon as a regular snack may lead the cr to seek the toilet regularly to make a bowel movement which will give the cr a chance to empty the bladder before it is full #incontinence is a reality that can be managed learn about incontinence and care products by talking to friends or other caregivers looking at the pharmacy aisles for adult incontinence products or checking online or at the library for
Materials: Small glasses or cups variety of non-alcoholic decaffeinated drinks milk tea juices coffee mock alcohol drinks watermelon or grapes fruits with high water content knowledge of incontinence products and options towels and garbage bags
Categories: Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Maximum Supervision
Information: About adult disposable underwear mattress protectors disposable pads exercises surgeries and medical conditions related to urinary incontinence #until better or longer-term solutions are found prepare for possible incidents of urinary incontinence by keeping a towel and a plastic bag on hand wherever the cr feels incontinence may be an issue place the plastic bag down first and cover it with a towel this may protect a car seat or a sofa seat from damage should an incident occur seeing that you are ready to deal with the problem practically may help the cr accept the situation and begin managing it in a healthy way information
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed