Try: Putting on bra vest jumper dress shirt blouse cardigan skirt try laying garment on knees with the back uppermost neck furthest away from body and the sleeves hanging down the outside of each leg then put affected arm down the sleeve and pull the sleeve up past elbow put good arm into the other sleeve and pull the jumper etc over head putting on bras bras can be put on with these instructions if they are elasticated and are fastened up first; ly try adapting the bra with velcro to be front opening or use a looser support sports bra alternative method for putting on a shirt blouse try laying garment on knees with the inside of the shirt blouse etc uppermost and the neck collar nearest body and the sleeves hanging down the outside of each leg then put affected arm down the sleeve and pull the sleeve up past elbow then put good arm into the other sleeve and pull the jumper etc over head
Materials: Velcro sports or support bra
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Personal, Gender, Male, Female, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision
Information: n/a
References: occupational therapy and stroke second edition by judy edmans 2010 available at www onlinelibrary wiley com
Keywords: Dressing bra shirt arm paralysis hand paralysis mobility problems self care independence
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed