Try: Reposition cr if he has to stay in bed or in a wheelchair at least every 2 hours or according to the cr’s care plan take the bedpan out from underneath the cr as soon as he is finished using it check cr’s skin for changes at every opportunity like when assisting with repositioning bathing and dressing and when changing wet or soiled linens or when giving a back rub when bathing cr clean the skin gently and thoroughly and rinse off the soap well make sure the skin is dried well and use lotion to keep the skin healthy and soft thoroughly clean and dry areas where skin touches skin such as under the breast and apply a light dusting of powder to keep the skin dry
Materials: Mild bath soap moisturizing skin lotion body powder
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile
Information: n/a
References: lippincott’s essentials for nursing assistants by pj carter 2007 philadelphia lippincott williams & wilkins pp 448-9
Keywords: Bedbound bath bathing pressure ulcers pressure sores
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed