Care recipient (cr) needs to set up his her electric hospital bed so it works right and is safe to use

Try: When adjusting the head foot or any part of the bed be sure the bed is able to move freely it should extend to its full length and adjust to any position be sure bed movement does not affect the bed bed’s power cord plug or outlet hand control and power cords should not be threaded through moving parts of the bed or through bed rails watch the hand control cables and the power cord as cr is adjusting the bed normal bed movement should not pinch or damage these cords

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile

Information: n/a

References: hospital bed help 2008 by sherman oaks medical supplies available at www shermanoaksmedical com

Keywords: Electric hospital bed set up electric hospital bed safety

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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