Try: Suggest that cr try doing the following exercise every day sit on a firm straight chair with both feet flat on the floor if necessary a firm mattress sofa or wheelchair may be used interlace fingers bend forward and reach with hands toward the outside of right foot rotating the trunk move hands upward in a diagonal direction toward left shoulder keeping elbows as straight as possible repeat the motions moving hands from left foot to right shoulder note only suggest cr try this exercise if he she has good balance and can sit fairly independently if balance is impaired you may want to stand in fron of cr guiding his her arms through the motions
Materials: Firm straight chair
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance
Information: n/a
References: hope the stroke recovery guide chapter 4 – movement and exerciseby the national stroke associatin 2010 available at www stroke org
Keywords: Stiffness lower body lower extremeties difficulty walking gross motor coordination poor balance
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed