Try: Remove clutter from area including all scatter rugs discuss with the cr the process before and during the transfer the amount of room available for transfer will dictate which side of the bed to transfer from determine if the cr has a stronger side because he will be better able to scoot to the edge of the bed on that side prior to transfer position wheelchair on the cr’s strongest side for example if the right side is strongest transfer the cr from the right side of the bed assist cr to edge of bed and to sitting position first with feet dangling and then with feet on floor for ease of transfer position the wheelchair next to the cr’s knee on his strongest side pull wheelchair within a foot of the cr’s knee and lock the wheelchair brakes explain the sequence of lifting and pivoting into the wheelchair for example on the count of 3 i am going to help you stand up and turn to your strong side and sit in the wheelchair using the bear hug technique ask the cr to place his arms on the caregiver’s cg shoulders as the cg places his arms around the cr’s trunk bracket the cr’s feet with the cg’s feet to prevent slipping using leg muscles stand up and bring the cr upward in a slow steady rising motion if cr is capable have him reach for the furthest wheelchair armrest pivot towards wheelchair seat and lower the cr slowly attach or swing foot rests of wheelchair into place place cr’s feet onto foot rests of wheelchair
Materials: Nonskid slippers shoes or socks adequate room to maneuver
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance
Information: n/a
References: oxygen use and care of equipment by head to toe care llc 2009 available at
Keywords: Wheelchair transferring bed
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed