Care recipient (cr) is gaining weight as result of poor eating patterns

Try: n/a

Materials: Meal plan fluids without calories supportive environment

Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision

Information: #a cr’s medical history current situation and personal health goals should be a part of any nutrition or meal plan as these will shape the daily number of meals and snacks and the daily amount of calories carbohydrates fat grams etc considered optimal by the cr’s doctor or nutritionist #talk to a doctor or nutritionist or both about recommended daily carbohydrate and calorie goals for the cr and plan meals snacks and drinks that fit in the framework of those goals #you can’t force change on a cr but you can support good habits setting regular meal times putting all food away between meals making even small amounts of physical activity part of daily life and role-modeling good nutritional and eating behavior yourself are all helpful

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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