Try: Consider using add on equipment like a humidifier bottle to make the oxygen more moist fill the bottle with distilled water only up to the line marked fill and refill as needed if cr has dry nostrils apply k-y jelly with a q-tip to inside of cr’s nostrils id cr has dry mouth give the cr a piece of hard candy or ice chips to suck on or try using oral swabs available at medical supply stores and most pharmacies to moisten mouth if the cr has a dry throat give the cr some salt water to gargle to prevent skin irritation pad tubing with gauze or use over the ear cushions available at medical supply stores and most pharmacies
Materials: Humidifier bottle k-y jelly q-tips hard candy or ice chips oral swabs salt water gauze or over the ear cushions
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: oxygen use and care of equipment by head to toe care llc 2009 available at
Keywords: Breathing oxygen oxygen tubes dry mouth skin irritation dry throat
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed