Try: Try choosing chairs with high backs good seat depth and padded armrests make sure the chair seat is not too high solid foot support is important for balance try using a small wedge cushion or lumbar support ton make cr’s lower back more comfortable suggest that cr try using a waist belt for more back support try putting cushioning on either side of the chair make sure the chair has an open bottom to allow cr’s feet to slide under and allow cr to get a better center of gravity before he she stands up
Materials: Small wedge cushion small pillows waist belt
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance
Information: n/a
References: a caregiver’s guide to huntington’s disease by huntington’s disease society of america 2011 available at www hdsa org
Keywords: Back muscles torso sitting upright standing up balance
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed