Try: Install senor light switches these detect movement and will turn on the lights automatically when cr enters a room the lights also turn off automatically when there is no one in the room install a remote this is a device cr holds in his hand that controls a light that is plugged into a receiver that is plugged into a standard outlet install outdoor security sensor lights for added security make sure there is even levels of light throughout the house this will make it easier for cr’s eyes to adapt moving from one area to another illuminating the ceiling and the tops of the walls helps the light reflect around the room without glare use task lights to see more clearly while reading writing cooking and personal care
Materials: Senor light switches remote lighting system outdoor security sensor lights task lamp s extra lights for each room
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision
Information: n/a
References: Society of certified senior advisors 2010 the consumer’s guide to home safety for seniors available at www csa us
Keywords: Lighting falls home safety reading writing cooking and personal care
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed