Care recipient (cr) has sciadic pain lower back pain

Try: Encourage the cr to do the following and provide support as needed ice the sciatic nerve 15-20 minutes of ice every hour for the first few days after sciatic pain can make a significant difference in healing time rest as much as possible stay off of feet and avoid turning and or bending at awkward positions do stretches and exercises for sciatica treatment light slow smooth stretching and strengthening exercises can help lessen sciatica pain drink lots of water and eat healthy lean proteins to speed up the healing of a sciatic nerve do preventative exercises in the future those who get sciatica are often prone to the condition so making sciatica exercises a part of cr’s regular routine can help keep the painful experience away

Materials: Ice cubes or crushed ice towel or zip lock bag

Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance

Information: n/a

References: how to get sciatica pain reliefby en ehow contributor no date available at www ehow org

Keywords: Sciadic lower back pain sciatica

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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