Try: If cr doesn’t have central air conditioning which filters and then circulates cool air consider getting it for him her or having cr move somewhere that has it but be sure to change the filters frequently as it is imperative to get all irritants out of the air make sure there is no mold anywhere in the home as mold can irritate the lungs try to use only vacuum cleaners with hepa air filters that trap the dust try washing bed linens pillows and curtains in hot water to kill any dust mites try restricting the area of the home where pets are allowed to try to reduce the amount of pet dander also if cr has a pet vacuum the home twice a day to keep things clean try removing all carpets try to avoid painting the inside of cr’s home or redoing the floors with polyurethane coating as paint and polyurethane can irritate lungs try running a fan that vents to the outdoors for at least 20 minutes when cooking or showering as this will help avoid moisture buildup which can lead to mold try to avoid using any aerosol sprays or scented products when with cr or in cr’ cr”s home as they can cause breathing problems for cr
Materials: Air conditioner filters fan that vents to the outdoors
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from www care com caring for seniors with breathing problems by staff writer no date
Keywords: Breathing problems lung problems immune system indoor pollution clean air
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed