Care recipient (cr) doesn’t like healthy food

Try: Encourage the cr to keep an open mind and try new things try the principle of substitution substitue healthy foods for unhealthy ones the cr may not be able to tell the difference for example if the cr loves candy bars try sliced apples with a small portion of fat free carmel dip if the cr loves pizza try making a home made version with ingredients that have lower fat and calories you can make a pizza that tastes good with turkey pepperoni instead of regular and lower fat cheese or cottage cheese check out cookbooks for healthy eating at your local store or on the internet there are many creative options available try including a healthy fruit or veggie at every meal adding some fat free cool whip or orange juice to the fruit and some light cheese sauce to the veggies may make them more palatable for the cr ask the cr to think about how good he or she feels after eating well this may help create new eating habits and tastes

Materials: n/a

Categories: Medical Physical, Personal

Information: n/a

References: Adapted from the internet website www helpguide org senior nutrition the joy of eating well and aging well by sarah kovatch and gina kemp 2011

Keywords: Malnutrition diet nutrition

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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