Care recipient (cr) doesn’t like drinking water for hydration and wants other liquid suggestions

Try: Encourage the cr to try the following to get hydrated drink juice especially prune juice eat gelatin such as jell-o eat or drink soup drink water flavored with a mix such as crystal light instead of plain water it may taste better to the cr especially if it is well chilled and not watered down

Materials: Juices jello powdered drink mix such as crystal lignt or kool aid soup

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: caring for a person with alzheimer’s disease your easy-to-use guide from the national institute on aging by national institute on aging 2011 available at www nia nih gov

Keywords: Constipation bowel movement can’t poop trouble pooping hasn’t pooped lately dehydrated not drinking enough fluids

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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