Try: Try to look for physical signs for example signs of pain and illness include pale skin tone; flushed skin tone; dry pale gums; mouth sores; vomiting; feverish skin; or swelling of any part of the body try to pay attention to cr’s nonverbal signs for example gestures spoken sounds and facial expressions wincing for example may signal cr is experiencing pain or discomfort try watching for changes in cr’s behavior for example anxiety agitation shouting and sleeping problems can all be signs that cr is in pain
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Immobile, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Verbal Communication, So-So Verbal Comm, Poor Verbal Comm, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, Unaware
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from www alz org late-stage caregiving by staff writer no date
Keywords: Pain discomfort wincing anxiety agitation shouting sleeping problems
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed