Care recipient (cr) cannot climb steps or staircase but wants to stay in a home where steps or stairway lead to essential parts of the house

Try: #discuss home modification needs with physicians and physical therapists a doctor’s prescription for some adaptive equipment may allow insurance to cover part or all of its cost #before being discharged from a care facility with a new level of physical impairment ask for an evaluation of your home by a physical therapist to assess what equipment or training is needed to allow safe independent functioning at home this would include a look at where ramps might be most effective #before making permanent modifications to the home consider using a ready-made ramp or an incline platform to improve the home’s accessibility they may save you time space or money #ready-made ramps can be found in many lengths styles and price ranges some are fairly portable while others can be left in place inside or outside the home while federal access guidelines suggest a 1 12 slope ration many people who push wheelchairs find a gentler slope 1 20 easier to manage #an incline platform lift can take a cr and wheelchair up and down a staircase or a few steps indoor or outdoor installation is possible the staircase must have one load-bearing wall to support the lift the starting price for these lifts is usually several thousand dollars #lift and ramp models can be viewed in accessible equipment catalogs located online in physical rehabilitation centers and rehab units and in assistive technology publications found in these places and in libraries

Materials: Ready-made ramp s incline platform lift

Categories: Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Needs Much Assistance, Independence, No Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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