Try: Can the facility provide a list of available services and are residents and families involved in developing the service agreement who provides these services what are their qualifications is staff available to provide 24-hour assistance with activities of daily living adls if needed adls include dressing eating mobility hygiene grooming bathing toileting incontinence does residence have programs for alzheimer alzheimer’s other dementias and other specialized areas is staff available to assist residents who experience memory orientation of judgment losses how are medical emergencies handled does the residence have a clearly stated procedure for responding to medical emergencies is there an arrangement with a nearby hospital do staff supervise assist a resident in taking medicine may resident take own medications does the residence residence’s pharmacy provide delivery consultation and review of medicines does staff assist in making arrangements to have nursing and other medical care do a physician nurse make regular checkups or to what extent is medical care available are physical occupational or speech therapy services available and is there a staff person to coordinate home care visits from a nurse physical therapist occupational therapist etc are housekeeping linen service and personal laundry included in the fees or are they available at an additional charge are on-site laundry facilities available and convenient does the residence provide transportation to doctors offices the hairdresser shopping and other activities desired by residents and can it be arranged on short notice are pharmacy barber beautician and or physical therapy services offered onsite information references "assisted living facility alf checklist " available at www carepathways com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Personal
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Assisted living facilities checklist housing moving
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed